Spice 99 Herbal Incense
k2 spice online;Synthetic cannabinoids are a class of designer drug molecules that bind to the same receptors to which cannabinoids (THC and CBD) in cannabis plants attach.] These novel psychoactive substances should not be confounded with synthetic phytocannabinoids (THC or CBD obtained by chemical synthesis) or synthetic endocannabinoids from which they are in many aspects distinct.
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Typically, synthetic cannabinoids are sprayed onto plant matter and are usually smoked, although they have also been ingested as a concentrated liquid form in the US and UK since 2016. They have been marketed as herbal incense, or “herbal smoking blends”, and sold under common names like K2, spice, and synthetic marijuana. They are often labeled “not for human consumption” for liability defense. A large and complex variety of synthetic cannabinoids are designed in an attempt to avoid legal restrictions on cannabis, making synthetic cannabinoids designer drugs.
Synthetic Cannabinoids, Synthetic Cannabinoid list
Synthetic cannabinoids are a class of designer drug molecules that bind to the same receptors to which cannabinoids in cannabis plants attach. These novel psychoactive substances should not be confounded with synthetic phytocannabinoids or synthetic endocannabinoids from which they are in many aspects distinct.
Typically, synthetic cannabinoids are sprayed onto plant matter and are usually smoked, although they have also been ingested as a concentrated liquid form in the US and UK since 2016. They have been marketed as herbal incense, or “herbal smoking blends”, and sold under common names like K2, spice, and synthetic marijuana. They are often labeled “not for human consumption” for liability defense. A large and complex variety of synthetic cannabinoids are designed in an attempt to avoid legal restrictions on cannabis, making synthetic cannabinoids designer drugs.
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